Project Risk Management
Projects should be completed on time, to budget and to specification/performance.Enterprise Risk Management
To improve the risk management performance of an organization, a risk management initiative will be required.Risk Training & Coaching
Risk training is not only key to learning and communication but also essential for effective manager, staff and other stakeholder engagement.Strategy Development
Organisations are aware that some risks will always exist and will never be eliminated, they recognise that they have a responsibilityRisk Management Strategy and Plan
eKnols Risk Management consultants have experience supporting organisations in implementing Risk StrategyBenchmarking Risk Practice
Companies benefit greatly by ISO 31000 implementation that provide a universally recognised risk management conformance assurance to all stakeholderseKnols is experienced in guiding organisations to practice risk management as a core capability and an integral part of all activities. eKnols developed an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework based on the internationally recognized principles from ISO 31000 and COSO ERM to manage change and uncertainty of business schools in the EU.